Riferimenti per fermioni chirali

  1. L. H. Karsten and J. Smit, Lattice fermions: species doubling, chiral invariance and the triangle anomaly, Nucl.Phys.B185(1981) 103-140, (ristampato su C.Rebbi, LGT & MC simulations)
  2. H.B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya, Absence of neutrinos on the lattice (I) Nucl.Phys.B185(1981) 20-40, (ristampato su C.Rebbi, LGT & MC simulations)
  3. P.H. Ginsparg and K. Wilson, Phys.Rev.D25 (1982) 2649.
  4. M. Bochicchio, L. Maiani, G. Martinelli, G.C. Rossi, M. Testa, Nucl.Phys.B262(1985) 331
  5. H. Neuberger, A lecture on chiral fermions, hep-lat/9511001,
  6. R. Narayanan and H. Neuberger, Massless composite fermions in two dimensions and the Overlap, hep-lat/9609031,
  7. LATTICE97, Ed. by C.T.H. Davies et al, (Copyright © 1998 Elsevier), articoli di M. Testa, P. Hasenfratz, Session G. "Chiral Gauge Theories"
  8. H. Neuberger, Exactly massless quarks on the lattice, hep-lat/9707022,
  9. P. Hasenfratz and V. Laliena and F. Niedemayer, The index theorem in QCD with a finite cut-off, hep-lat/9801021
  10. P. Hasenfratz, Lattice QCD without tuning, mixing and current renormalization, hep-lat/9802007
  11. M. Luscher, Exact chiral symmetry on the lattice and the Ginsparg-Wilson relation, hep/lat/9802011,
  12. H. Neuberger, Geometrical aspects of chiral anomalies in the overlap, hep-lat/9802033,
  13. W. Bietenholz, Solutions of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation, hep-lat/9803023
  14. P. Hasenfratz, The theoretical background and properties of perfect actions, hep-lat/9803027
  15. Ting-Wai Chiu, Topological charge and the spectrum of exactly massless fermions on the lattice, hep-lat/9804016
  16. S. Chandrasekharan, Lattice QCD with Ginsparg-Wilson fermions, hep-lat/9805015
  17. Y. Kikukawa, Weak coupling expansion of massless QCD with a Ginsparg-Wilson fermion and axial U(1) anomaly , hep-lat/9806013
  18. Ting-Wai Chiu and Chih-Wei Wang and V. Zenkin, Chiral structure of the solutions of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation, hep-lat/9806031
  19. P. Hernandez and K. Jansen and M. Luscher, Locality properties of Neuberger's lattice Dirac operator, hep-lat/9808010
  20. M. Luscher, Topology and the axial anomaly in Abelian lattice gauge thoeries, hep-lat/9808021,
  21. Y. Kikukawa ans A. Yamada, Axial vector current of exact chiral symmetry on the lattice, hep-lat/9808026

Last modified: Wed Sep 16 11:21:47 PDT 1998