In May 2012 many colleagues and friends of
Giuseppe Marchesini gathered in Cortona at Palazzone to
celebrate his 70-th birthday and his retirement from the
University of Milano Bicocca. Here you may find some of the
talks given in that occasion.
R. Frezzotti, Something I
learned from Pino...
L. Magnea, Following Pino ...
G.C.Rossi and R. Frezzotti, Dynamical mass
G. Salam, Pino and power corrections...
B. Webber, QCD MonteCarlo
G. Zanderighi, The Physics of Pino
A collection of photos about Pino'adventures was also presented
Pino adventures in
Physics Land>

All these pictures were presented at the Cortona meeting and are subject to Copyright (Y. Dokshitzer, B. Webber and G. Veneziano).
Last modified: September 2020